Hair Transplant

Türkiye Hospital Hair Transplantation Center offers hair transplantation and other related procedures and treatments. This center was established with the aim of minimising hair loss and providing hair transplant services to its patients in a comfortable and sterile environment. 


Hair Transplant Process

1. Assessment and Planning:
Initial Consultation: Causes of hair loss, the patient's health status, and expectations are assessed.
Planning:The area for transplantation and hair density are determined.

2. Preparation Stage:
Hair Cut: Hair is trimmed to ensure the transplant area is clean and accessible.
Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the transplant area.

3. Collection of Hair Follicles:
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Method: Hair follicles are individually harvested.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Method: A strip of scalp is removed and follicles are separated.

4. Hair Transplantation:
Channel Opening (FUT/FUE): Small incisions or holes are made in the transplant area.
Follicle Placement (FUT/FUE): Harvested hair follicles are placed into these incisions.
Direct Implantation (DHI): Each follicle is directly implanted into the scalp using the DHI pen.

5. Healing Process:
Immediately After: The transplanted area is bandaged, and rest is recommended for the patient.
First Few Days: Mild swelling and discomfort may occur.

Post-Hair Transplant Care

1. First 24 Hours:
Rest: Avoiding physical activity and keeping the head elevated is advised.

2. First Week:
Washing: Gently washed with special shampoos.
Swelling and Pain Management: Managed with medications and cold compresses.

3. First Month:
Follicle Shedding: Shock loss is normal and leads to the growth of new hair.
Sun Protection: Protecting the transplant area from the sun is important.

4. Long-Term Care:
Hair Care Products: Use products suitable for your hair type.
Healthy Lifestyle: Regular nutrition and avoiding stress are vital for hair health.

5. Check-Ups and Follow-Up:
Doctor Visits: Regular check-ups and follow-ups are recommended.

This information provides a general overview of the hair transplant process. However, each patient may have unique situations and needs, so guidance from a health professional is crucial at every step.



Ozone Therapy for Hair Transplantation

Ozone therapy applied after hair transplantation is an innovative approach that enhances the effectiveness of the procedure and accelerates the healing process. This method increases the level of oxygen in the bloodstream, assisting in the more robust and vital establishment of hair follicles. It also contributes to a faster healing process by reducing inflammation in the body, thus allowing patients to have a more comfortable experience during the operation and recovery periods.

Ozone therapy stimulates the hair follicles, promoting cell proliferation and providing nutrients to the hair cells, which helps reduce hair loss. It also prevents dandruff in the scalp and aids in faster hair growth, while softening hair that has become overly stiff or electrically charged.

This therapy is a method that combines ozone and pure oxygen. Its purpose is to deliver a high amount of pure oxygen and ozone to the targeted area, repairing damage to the scalp, strengthening the healing process, encouraging new cell growth, and maximizing the efficiency of the hair transplant procedure.

Suitable for individuals between the ages of 20 and 65 without specific health problems, this treatment should be carefully applied to individuals with certain health conditions. These include alcohol abuse, excessive enzyme secretion, hyperthyroidism, severe anemia, clotting disorders, GL-6-F dehydrogenase deficiency, chronic pancreatitis, and pancreatitis.

After ozone therapy, patients are advised to keep the wound area clean and dry, use medications as recommended by the doctor, protect themselves from the sun, and avoid hair treatments like blow-drying and curling.


Mesotherapy for Hair Transplantation

Mesotherapy treatment performed after hair transplantation is an effective approach for strengthening hair follicles, improving hair quality, and accelerating the healing process. Here are the key stages of this method and important points to consider:

 Mesotherapy Process: This method involves administering micro-injections of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients under the skin of the scalp. The treatment typically lasts between half an hour to an hour, and local anesthesia can be used for a comfortable experience.

Benefits of the Treatment: The effects of mesotherapy can vary from person to person. Typically, noticeable results are seen within 4 to 6 weeks. Benefits include reduced hair loss, increased hair density and quality, accelerated growth, and improved overall scalp health.

Post-Treatment Precautions: After mesotherapy, mild redness, swelling, or sensitivity may occur on the scalp; these usually subside within a few days. It is important to avoid hot water, stay away from chemical hair products, and protect the scalp from the sun after the treatment.

Suitability: Mesotherapy is particularly ideal for individuals in the early stages of hair loss and those experiencing hair thinning or weakness. It can be applied both before and after hair transplantation.

Side Effects: Possible side effects include redness, sensitivity, bruising, and swelling at the injection site. There may also be a risk of allergic reactions and infection, but these effects are generally temporary.

Frequency and Duration of Application: After the initial mesotherapy session, an additional 4-5 sessions are typically performed, with the effects usually becoming apparent over a 6-month period. Post hair transplantation, it is recommended to undergo treatments starting from the first month and continuing monthly for a period of 8 to 12 months.

It is important for individuals with health issues to consult a healthcare professional before starting mesotherapy.


PRP Therapy for Hair Transplantation

After hair transplantation, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy aids in strengthening the hair follicles, contributing to healthier and more robust hair growth. Here are the key steps and important points of this treatment:

Treatment Process and Timing: PRP therapy usually begins between one to four weeks after hair transplantation. Typically, the treatment spans 4-6 sessions, with intervals between sessions ranging from 6 months to a year.

PRP Application Method: The treatment starts with collecting 10-20 ml of blood from the patient, which is then processed through centrifugation and microfiltration. The resulting plasma, enriched with platelets and thrombocytes, is injected into the hair follicles.

Benefits of the Treatment: PRP therapy is effective in reducing hair loss and improving hair quality. Enhanced nourishment of the hair follicles and increased blood circulation lead to stronger hair growth. It also contributes to the post-transplantation healing process.

Suitability: This treatment is ideal for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning hair, especially after hair transplantation. PRP therapy does not target completely bald areas but focuses on improving the condition of existing hair and supporting the results of the hair transplant.

Duration and Frequency of Sessions: Each PRP session lasts about 30-45 minutes. Sessions are typically scheduled at intervals of 1-2 weeks, and a total of 4-6 sessions may be required.

PRP therapy is a natural method that helps hair grow healthier and stronger after transplantation. However, the effectiveness of the treatment and the number of required sessions can vary from person to person, making it important to follow doctor's recommendations.

For further information you can visit this website.